Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chevrolet 4G LTE Wi-Fi

Chevrolet is leading the way with the most vehicles offering built-in 4G LTE Wi-Fi. Now it's possible to cruise the streets and the web! Connect your smart devices and vehicles to the internet with OnStar.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Feeling tired, angry, and stressed? Here’s how not to drive like it.

Sometimes when you’re out on the road it’s easy to lose one’s temper. We’ve all experienced the horn blaring, cursing, aggressive driving road rage beast before, whether it was ourselves or someone else with the bad attitude. You can avoid submitting to a cranky temper with these tips:

Sleep. Seriously, sleep. A full night. No excuses. Everyone is a grouch when they don’t get enough sleep, this is just a given.

Plan ahead! It’s okay to leave early. This gives you time to be able to conquer unforeseen road difficulties without the stress.

Treat rude behavior the same way you would in a restaurant. Would you got hot headed over someone cutting you off in line at a bodega? We are isolated in our cars and feel a false sense of privacy and security while there. The truth is, everyone can see what you're doing so keep your cool!